
Experience effortless Payroll 

Transform your UK payroll with Payrollcloud and enjoy hassle-free payroll processing with our reliable solutions and services. 

Empowering UK businesses with seamless payroll solutions and services 

Payroll Suite Implementation 

No-nonsense, Providing essentials of a high-performance payroll system

Payroll UK Technical Review 

A complete detailed technical review by Oracle Certified Experts  

Payroll Managed Service 

Effortless Payroll Management, Guaranteed Accuracy with Our Managed Services

Payroll Analysis Dashboard

Insightful Payroll Decisions, Real-Time Data and Quick drill down on root causes with our PAD

Payroll Parallel
Reconciliation Tool  

Innovative tool that makes Payroll Parallel runs a piece of cake

Achieving success with ease – PCL’s Implementation Approach 

End to End Data Migration Ownership​  PCL owns the data migration process from extraction to loading into Oracle, including data transformation, cleansing and harmonisation recommendation. 
Unique Data-Driven approach​ PCL has designed a unique approach that uncovers details required for payroll early on​ and makes the process from requirements to designing process efficient and accurate.  
Hypercare – Post Go live Support​  Because of Retro Payroll Processing, PCL provides the 2nd month of Hypercare at no additional cost. We ensure a complete and safe Payroll Go-Live.  ​  
Payroll Run book​  This PCL UK Payroll Runbook is an important toolkit for BAU operations. The Payroll Runbook helps to enable efficient payroll processing.​  

Success Stories

Here’s how BGC Partners transformed HRIS and 22 payrolls in just four months with 99.82% accuracy
BGC Partners overcame payroll issues with an integrated, end-to-end Oracle Cloud HCM resulting in significant time savings, allowing focus on strategic initiatives. In addition, BGC partnered with PCL to execute the HRIS transformation, improving the process, standardisation across departments and optimisation of people services, managers and employee community.
Riverside increases employee engagement, reduces payroll sign-off time, and realises a return on investment in less than six months using Oracle HCM Cloud
Riverside was voted “Social Landlord of the Year” for two successive years, and we’re growing exponentially. With growth, however, challenges arise. For example, the Payroll process would take nearly 12 days due to cross-organisational spreadsheets, payroll complexities…
A large Financial enterprise transforms 32 payrolls to Oracle Cloud & reduces Payroll sign-off to less than seven days
A large financial services company specialising in selling and trading institutional stocks and fixed income engaged PayrollCloud to optimise HR and Payroll operations for its 32 Payrolls across 27 legal employers in the UK. The company has more than 12,000 employees and more than 3,500 Partners
Sage Snowdrop KCS to Oracle cloud Payroll transformations
The customer is among the top leaders in the finance industry, having more than 6000 employees across the UK and Europe. The client used SAGE Snowdrop and faced several challenges with the operations and functionalities.
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